Whistle-Stop Tour with Andrew Pudewa

In political campaigns of yesteryear when locomotives were the most common means of transportation, whistle-stop tours crisscrossed the country. National figures used these tightly scheduled opportunities to give speeches to many new audiences at train stations along their route. The mission of state organizations is critical to the continued legality and liberty of homeschooling in Nevada, and while no locomotives (or train stations) will be involved, we hope that you will find a renewed sense of purpose in homeschooling as you attend one of these events. 

Register below for the event closest to you.



September 5, 2024

from 4:30-8:30

Dinner break from 6-7pm:

Register Now

Las Vegas

September 7, 2024

from 4:30-8:30

Dinner break from 6-7pm:

Register Now

!!!!!URGENT ACTION NEEDED!!!! on AB65 (which changes compulsory age from 7 to 6) –OPPOSE NOW–

State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Joan Ebert, is trying to sneak in a lowering of compulsory school age. The bill is currently before the Nevada Education Committee and could be voted on as early as Monday, May 15.

AB65, which has been touted as an Aug 1st DOB for school entrance, has now had an amendment added to it seeking to change compulsory school age. Nevada Homeschool Network has fought against this for years. We encourage your voices to be heard as well.
Section 12 of the amendment to AB65 (https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/82nd2023/Bills/Amendments/A_AB65_138.pdf ) will lower the compulsory attendance age for entry into school from 7 to 6 years of age. This requirement will apply to all children, whether their parents planned to send them to public school or private school or homeschool.
We have several concerns with AB65’s amendment, section 12:
  • First and foremost, taking away parental choice of when to start the child’s formal education.
  • No longer would a parent be able to wait till the school year when their child is 6yrs 4 mo, 6 yrs 8 mo, 6 yrs 11 months- they would be forced into school at a YOUNG 6 or as a 5 yr old, if their birthday was midyear.
  • The manner in which this amendment was added, with input (according to the superintendent’s testimony) of only 2 school districts.
  • Private schooled parents were not consulted (according to testimony) about the fiscal burden of them having to start their children a year early.
  • Homeschoolers, by far the largest demographic that this will affect, were also not consulted.

Please do any or all of the below:
1) Ask the Chair of the Senate Ed Committee, Roberta Lange, Roberta.Lange@sen.state.nv.us , (where this is going next for a vote), to strike amendment section 12.
2) Ask the entire Senate education committee to strike section 12 before voting
3) Log your opinion on the Opinion Poll….against section 12 of the amendment lowering compulsory school age. https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/82nd2023/Bill/9621/opinions
4) Send your email of opposition to the senate committee secretary to upload to nelis (suggested subject line- parent against lowering compulsory school age OR please strike amendment section 12 of AB65 )  SenEDU@sen.state.nv.us
5) Send this post to any of your homeschooling friends here in Nevada and leave a comment in the comment section (which puts this post higher in search engine searches) so that this comes up when people search for AB65
Thank you for doing your part to keep our Nevada homeschooling laws the best in the country.

Homeschooling Takes a Community Like YOU!

As we approach a new school year, we see YOU and hear your questions/concerns in getting started and the love of the community and support groups that have offered sanctuary and wisdom in this unique year online and in person. Thank you for whatever role you played in that communication! While many have found the joy of homeschooling and are happy to stick with it, some are pleased that their schools have re-opened, even amongst social distancing and mask mandates and have returned to their in-person school of choice (public, private, or charter). The reality of school choice in Nevada is that PARENTS have a GOD GIVEN right to do what they think is best for their child and that homeschooling is a separate and legal choice from the others!  We are pleased to have offered support to many this last year as homeschooling became a household norm. We are committed to keep fighting for homeschooling rights as a different and  separate option from what is outlined in the public sector. We believe in your abilities as parents to homeschool your kids! Please continue to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or feedback to how we can improve homeschooling in Nevada. Let the 2012-2022 school year begin!

Please share in the comments ways that you have been supported or have helped this last year within the homeschool community. Let the record show that Nevada is amazing when it comes to homeschool choice and community.

Prayer Warriors Needed

This past week we have seen the efforts of so many during a call to action in regards to AB19. We surpassed our goal of 500 oppositions by over 300 and flooded the inboxes of state legislators statewide. They heard us loud and clear as one of the most opposed bills in the state. But many are trying to usurp our rights as homeschoolers and directors of our child’s education. Their (Department of Education or DOE) reasons for the change are not consistent with their treatment (they don’t accept our discretion to the standards) and they fail to recognize parents as a voice kijk hier in the matter. This week is very important and your prayers are needed. Specifically for:

1) Homeschoolers to be removed from AB19

2) Recognition of current standing laws that give homeschoolers the legal right to be the voice that changes current mandates.

3) Our Nevada homeschool leaders and respective legal council to be guided and directed by Him in this work to protect our freedoms.

Here’s the thing, we already won this battle in 2007 when the Homeschool Freedom bill removed us from the public school system completely. Because of THAT bill parents only answer to the court in the cases of educational neglect NOT the DOE. Because of THAT bill the parents (or a group who represents homeschool parents) get to decide on the changes to our current mandates. We already won that battle but some in power are refusing to recognize it and trying to blur that line with ambiguity. It is time to remind them of what we already won in 2007 by vehemently opposing this current bill based on legalities of bills past.

Your prayerful consideration to this cause is vital. God is willing, sometimes he just needs to hear us ask for it. Let our prayers find their way to Him as loudly as our pleas to our respective assembly leaders but this time with definitive power to make a difference.


If you haven’t already, please keep up the work of opposing this bill here:

Here is an example of what you could write:
I am a homeschooling parent and am opposed to any proposed changes to the homeschooling laws as suggested in AB19.  The latest homeschooling regulations were written by homeschoolers in 2007 because that is our legal right. The Department of Education DOES NOT have the authority to make core standards for us and we don’t approve their reasoning.  We were not consulted, involved, or otherwise part of drafting this bill and do not wish to be a part of it moving forward. Please remove homeschoolers from AB19 and inform DOE of their overreach. 

Homeschooling in NV Under Legal Attack – AGAIN!

The Nevada legislature kicked off the 2021 session with a fresh attack on your right to teach your children as you see fit. Assembly bill 19 (AB19) seeks to FORCE you to teach your children multiculturalism, among other changes. We have fought hard for the homeschooling freedoms we have, but the fight is not over. Please act now – it only takes just a few minutes to do your part to protect your rights.
You need to act now:
Share Your opinion (only takes a couple minutes!): https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Opinions/81st2021/
Write to the Assembly Education Committee:
Example Email:
I am a homeschooling parent and am opposed to any changes to the homeschooling laws. AB19 seeks to change both homeschool and public school laws, with no understanding or accommodation of the differences between the two. Further, no homeschoolers were consulted prior to this proposed change.
The Nevada homeschool community does NOT want the verbiage changed and would like to be removed from this bill all together. Please leave our laws alone.

2021 Assembly Bill 19 – call to action

**For the most up to date information on AB19 see our dedicated AB19 page.**
In 2007, when Nevada Homeschool Network wrote the homeschooling laws, they were very careful and specific in the verbiage used.  This was to allow for the maximum freedom from regulations, thus allowing the ability to truly individualize the child’s education. Our homeschooling laws have not been changed since 2007! 

Early this week, the Nevada Legislature introduced a bill, AB19, which, in part, pertains to homeschooling. It subtracts the teaching of government, adds in the teaching of Civics, financial literacy, and multiculturalism. Nevada Homeschool Network was not consulted, invited to the discussion, or involved in any way. THIS IS NOT OK.
While Nevada Homeschool Network is against the adding of any language into our homeschooling laws, the bigger picture is that the legislators don’t see the need to involve parents, in these decisions. The bill, as written, would affect homeschoolers, public schoolers and private schoolers.
As homeschoolers, we take the right to direct our child’s education seriously. We are the Director of the Child’s education. We brought forward the need to be under the law as a way of ensuring that homeschooling was a lawful option, not for them to change, add, or force onto us the newest and trendiest language.
“The parent of a child who is being homeschooled shall prepare an educational plan of instruction for  the child in the subject areas of English language arts, mathematics,  science and social studies, including history, geography, economics , civics, financial literacy and [government,] multicultural education, as appropriate for the age and level of skill of the child as determined by the parent.”
*Red is current verbiage proposed to be taken out blue is proposed additions

Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) advocates for Nevada families who have chosen to direct the education of their children. We are Nevada’s only advocacy group pertaining to homeschooling. We are in opposition to AB19 and will outline the reasons below.

1) This bill includes homeschooled children, yet homeschoolers were not consulted.
Nevada Homeschool Network has been in existence since the year 2000 and
has a major online presence. We have worked with various legislators over the
years. We are VERY concerned that we did not have a voice in this writing.

2) We oppose the idea of mandating topics du’jour, to homeschoolers.

3) We understand that in 2017 SB249 added in some of these topics…but it was for
PUBLIC SCHOOLED Students. There is no reason to add homeschoolers in.

Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) strives to advocate for homeschool freedom and the right of each family to direct the education of their own children as they see best. It is our intent to respond to the wishes, concerns and interests of the homeschooling community, and to report on legislative, legal and other matters relevant to homeschooling and family education.

Please let the assembly committee know your displeasure at adding homeschooling requirements into Nevada Bill AB19 .
Here is an example of what you could write:
I am a homeschooling parent and am opposed to any changes to the homeschooling laws. AB19 seeks to change both homeschool and public school laws, with no understanding or accommodation of the differences between the two. Further, no homeschoolers were consulted prior to this proposed change.
The Nevada homeschool community does NOT want the verbiage changed and would like to be removed from this bill all together. Please leave our laws alone.


Getting Started with Homeschooling

This is an interactive guide to some of the first, and most important, questions people ask when getting started homeschooling. Click on a question and a short video answer will show behind the question to help you explore that topic. Sometimes joining a support group can feel daunting and scatterbrained as you try to piece together everyone’s answers and while there are many groups out there that ARE helpful (and please, find a homeschool group that you can be a part of), having the most important decision making answers to questions in one place is empowering.


Creating a homeschool where both the teaching style and learning styles match our (my husband and my) family values AND each child took me several years to understand; my hopes in sharing this tutorial with you is that you can shave off the time it takes to make those connections. You’ll still have to put in the work to figure out YOUR homeschool but I guide you to places that will inform and educate you, narrow down your choices, and keep your values at the forefront of those decisions! I want your homeschool to succeed and hope that these are helpful.

Public School at Home

Recently there has been trouble with multiple PSAH programs. Nevada Virtual Academy was recently forced to cease operating for grades K-5 because of repeated failures to meet state standards, which earned them a 1-star rating – the lowest possible. They were also forced to cap the number of students the academy was allowed to take on for the other grade levels. NVA is not the exception. Connections Academy has a similarly shoddy record. In fact, online charter schools in general score poorly across the board.

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