In 2007, when Nevada Homeschool Network wrote the homeschooling laws, they were very careful and specific in the verbiage used. This was to allow for the maximum freedom from regulations, thus allowing the ability to truly individualize the child’s education. Our homeschooling laws have not been changed since 2007!
Early this week, the Nevada Legislature introduced a bill, AB19, which, in part, pertains to homeschooling. It subtracts the teaching of government, adds in the teaching of Civics, financial literacy, and multiculturalism. Nevada Homeschool Network was not consulted, invited to the discussion, or involved in any way. THIS IS NOT OK.
While Nevada Homeschool Network is against the adding of any language into our homeschooling laws, the bigger picture is that the legislators don’t see the need to involve parents, in these decisions. The bill, as written, would affect homeschoolers, public schoolers and private schoolers.
As homeschoolers, we take the right to direct our child’s education seriously. We are the Director of the Child’s education. We brought forward the need to be under the law as a way of ensuring that homeschooling was a lawful option, not for them to change, add, or force onto us the newest and trendiest language.
“The parent of a child who is being homeschooled shall prepare an educational plan of instruction for the child in the subject areas of English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, including history, geography, economics , civics, financial literacy and [government,] multicultural education, as appropriate for the age and level of skill of the child as determined by the parent.”
*Red is current verbiage proposed to be taken out blue is proposed additions
Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) advocates for Nevada families who have chosen to direct the education of their children. We are Nevada’s only advocacy group pertaining to homeschooling. We are in opposition to AB19 and will outline the reasons below.
1) This bill includes homeschooled children, yet homeschoolers were not consulted.
Nevada Homeschool Network has been in existence since the year 2000 and
has a major online presence. We have worked with various legislators over the
years. We are VERY concerned that we did not have a voice in this writing.
2) We oppose the idea of mandating topics du’jour, to homeschoolers.
3) We understand that in 2017 SB249 added in some of these topics…but it was for
PUBLIC SCHOOLED Students. There is no reason to add homeschoolers in.
Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) strives to advocate for homeschool freedom and the right of each family to direct the education of their own children as they see best. It is our intent to respond to the wishes, concerns and interests of the homeschooling community, and to report on legislative, legal and other matters relevant to homeschooling and family education.
Please let the assembly committee know your displeasure at adding homeschooling requirements into Nevada Bill AB19 .
Here is an example of what you could write:
I am a homeschooling parent and am opposed to any changes to the homeschooling laws. AB19 seeks to change both homeschool and public school laws, with no understanding or accommodation of the differences between the two. Further, no homeschoolers were consulted prior to this proposed change.
The Nevada homeschool community does NOT want the verbiage changed and would like to be removed from this bill all together. Please leave our laws alone.