Notice of Intent

Meme courtesy of The Homeschool Resource Roadmap

NOTE: New numbering of laws affecting NV Homeschooling went into effect June of 2016. The old homeschool laws NRS 392.700 and NRS 392.705 are now NRS 388D.010-070.  However, the wording contained in the homeschool laws has remained EXACTLY the same, only the legal reference numbers have changed.  The NHN NOI and NOIPPA linked below are NEW and include the adjusted numerical legal references.  


Notification of Intent to Homeschool Form 

Click here for the NHN Notification of Intent to Homeschool (NOI) which is written in accordance with the lawThe simple one page “NOI” form is in pdf format. You need to have Adobe Reader or another PDF Reader in order to view/print it.

NOI to Homeschool statutes – NRS 388D.020 & 388D.050

PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT mail the completed NOI to NHN, it must be mailed or delivered to the Superintendent in the school district where the child resides.

  • NHN recommends mailing the NOI to the school district Superintendent over hand walking your NOI into the School District Superintendent’s office, though you may do this if you choose.
    • Mail the NOI by Certified Mail, sample form and a “Return Receipt” postcard, sample here (the card at the post office is GREEN).  This is for YOUR protection!  In the event your NOI gets lost in the mail… you will have proof that you mailed something to the School District and on what date you did so. Attach both receipts to your copy of the NOI and keep in a safe, easy accessible place for future reference if ever needed.
  • For the district mailing address go to our District Mailing address page.
  • Read through our homeschooling Quick-Start Guide for easy step by step instructions.
  • NOTE: If your child is enrolled in a Nevada public/charter school prior to homeschooling, you MUST officially withdraw your child from the public or charter school.
    • Contact the school’s principal to do so.
    • You have 10 days after withdrawing your child to submit the NOI to Homeschool to the Superintendent.
    • Parents of 5 and 6 year old children enrolled in a Nevada public/charter school MUST file a NOI to Homeschool within 10 days of officially withdrawing from public or charter school (the age 7 requirement does not apply in your situation).

School Districts are not allowed to ask for information that is not required by law, such as why you are choosing to homeschool, etc.

Filing Facts:

  • The parent choosing to homeschool their child must submit a one-time Notification of Intent to Homeschool to the Superintendent of the School District in which the child resides when:
    • the child turns age 7 if never enrolled in a NV public school,
    • is withdrawn from a Nevada private school and is 7 years or older – within 10 days,
    • is withdrawn from a NV public/charter school (grades K-12, age 7 does not apply) – within 10 days, or upon establishing residency in this State for children 7 and older – within 30 days.
  • The school district is required to mail you an Acknowledgement of Receipt of the NOI to Homeschool and at a minimum, keep a copy of the Acknowledgement in their records (electronic record allowed) for 15 years as proof of compliance with the Compulsory School Attendance law.  ***MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT in your files, if you don’t receive one in a timely manner call the school district and request that they follow the law and send you one.
  • You would only ever file an NOI a second time if you change residences (even within the same school district) or at sometime after beginning homeschooling you decide to enroll the child in a public school and then withdraw him/her to homeschool again, then you must file a second time.  In either case you must file within 10 days of the change.
  • Individual School Districts may not generate their own Intent Forms; they may only offer a standard statewide form written by the Nevada Department of EducationThis does not, however, prevent a homeschool parent from using another form of their own choosing, such as the one offered by NHN or HSLDA (available for members – see Benefits of Membership for legal protection of your homeschool). Nor does it prevent parents from merely typing up our own paperwork so long as you include all the information required by law.

REMEMBER, you also need to attach an Education Plan for the child, appropriate for the age and level of skill of the child as determined by the parent, in the subject areas of:

  • English: including reading, composition and writing
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies: including history, geography, economics, and government

The parent is not required to ensure that every subject is taught each year that the child is homeschooled. Your Education Plan may be a brief description of course work to be pursued during the  school year in which you are filing (“scope and sequence”) and/or a list of curriculum materials to be used to teach the subjects appropriate for the student, as determined by YOU, the parent.  An educational plan that meets these requirements must not be used in any manner as a basis for denial of a notice of intent to homeschool that is otherwise complete.  Again, this NOI is a ONE-TIME notification unless you move to a new address within Nevada or enroll your child in a NV public or private school and then return to homeschooling.

Some samples that you may use, or edit and use can be found below:


Notification of Intent to Participate in Programs and Activities Form (NOIPPA)

Notification of Intent to Participate in Programs and Activities.NOIPPA.NHN 2016 

If your child wants to participate in sports, classes, extra-curricular activities or special education services at your local public school, you will also need to file a Notice of Intent to Participate in Programs and Activities Form with THE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT for each school year the child wishes to participate in a class, activity, or sport in accordance with NRS 388D.070 and NRS 392.072-.074.  The local school may verify with the district office that a current NOIPPA is on file.

HELPFUL TIPS regarding submission of the NOI:

  1.  School Districts are not allowed to ask for information that is not required by law, such as why you are choosing to homeschool, etc.
  2. If your child is enrolled in a NV public school prior to homeschooling you MUST officially withdraw your child from the public school.  Contact the school’s principal to do so.  You have 10 days after withdrawing your child to submit the NOI to Homeschool to the Superintendent.
  3. We encourage families to MAIL IN the NOI via the US Postal Service to the SCHOOL DISTRICT in which the child lives (see steps earlier on this page).   However, you may deliver your NOI to Homeschool in person if you choose.
    1. Be sure to mail your NOI to the school district using a return receipt request-USPS Form 3811 (do not mail the NOI to NHN).
    2. Your burden is to show that you have fulfilled your requirement to notify the school district that you are homeschooling your child. The USPS Return Receipt card, attached to a copy of the NOI and Educational Plan you mailed in, satisfies this burden.
    3. You do not NEED the school district’s letter of exemption to homeschool but the school district is required by law to send you one. All you NEED to be legally homeschooling is to show is proof that you followed the law by filing the NOI/Education Plan with the school district.
    4. By filing via mail it reduces the misinformation/miscommunication that can and does happen when school district staff are not designated solely for homeschooling. The staff is not always knowledgeable about the homeschooling laws, and are certainly NOT in the position to guide you in your endeavor to direct the education of your children via homeschooling. Please look to your local support groups , or NHN, for guidance on homeschooling issues.

For School District Mailing Addresses please see: Support Groups/Info by County