Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) strives to advocate for homeschool freedom and the right of each family to direct the education their own children as they see best. It is our intent to respond to the wishes, concerns and interests of the homeschooling community, and to report on legislative, legal and other matters relevant to homeschooling and family education.
NHN serves all families interested in home education to the best of our ability regardless of race, creed, methods used, or reasons for homeschooling.
NHN believes there are as many educational approaches as there are students.
NHN believes the choice of the educational approach is the constitutional, natural and God-given right of the guardian of the child.
We hold that there is a constitutional right for parents to direct their child’s education. Further, that the state’s regulation of education is secondary to this parental right.
NHN believes citizens must maintain eternal vigilance to protect their liberty and encourages families to remain informed of home school law.
Network with and disseminate information to Nevada homeschool groups and individuals
To monitor and influence state legislation and district policies affecting homeschooling
To defend the right to homeschool and to maintain the least restrictive laws and policies for homeschooling
To sponsor symposiums or conferences in Nevada that help parents become the best parent-teachers they can be.
To educate families, educators, elected officials and the public on the laws and merits of home based education
To assist homeschoolers and support groups in establishing communication with local school officials