Become a member of Nevada Homeschool Network

Level Price  
Basic Member


Supporting Member

$25.00 per Year.


We ask that you read over our mission statement & philosophies on About NHN tab. If you agree with them and our achievements and goals, let us know, become a member of NHN. By becoming a member you strengthen our voice and our resolve to keep on the alert for dangers to our homeschooling environment. We are always available (Contact Us) with any concerns, questions or ideas.

Who: Any NV Homeschooling family, or any party interested in furthering homeschooling in the state of NV.

Why you should support NHN:
Nevada Homeschool Network (NHN) is an educational and political advocacy group that has successfully supported your homeschooling freedoms since 2002. In that short time we:

  • became thoroughly familiar with current laws, regulations and policies in all areas that affect homeschoolers, including special education and sports
  • successfully advocated for legislation and regulations that protect the rights of homeschoolers as well as helped kill bills and/or language that would harm homeschooling
    In 2003 NHN successfully lobbied the State Board of Education for protective (and less restrictive) language to NAC 392, which regulated how we homeschool.  In 1996 NV homeschoolers had successfully eliminated mandatory annual testing and other onerous regulations imposed on homeschooling in 1983.
  • built bridges between local school districts, the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, Legislators, the Governor’s office and homeschoolers statewide.
    In 2005 at the legislature NHN fought for universal Sports availability (SB221), providing alternatives for expelled students (SB367), ensuring CPS honors an individual’s constitutional rights (SB402), deleting a resurgence of mandatory testing language (AB397), and encouraging language for diploma requirements (also in AB397)
  • commissioned and funded an independent study that proved to legislators and other government officials that homeschoolers are not a burden on public schools
  • alerted homeschoolers to harmful legislation and organized an appropriate response to legislators
  • mailed copies of Dr. Brian Ray’s study on homeschooling achievement to every senator, assemblyman, and school district homeschool office in the state.
  • taught monthly classes for new homeschoolers to help them understand their rights
  • educated policy makers, judges, CPS workers, etc. on homeschooling rights
  • organized and ran two successful annual homeschool conventions in Las Vegas
  • AND
    In 2007 NHN lobbied for and saw the Homeschool Freedom Bill, SB 404 (BDR requested by Assemblywoman Sharron Angle/Bill sponsored by Senator Maurice Washington) passed unanimously in both the NV Senate/Assembly and signed into law by Governor Jim Gibbons.
  • AND
    In 2013 NHN worked with to introduce the Nevada Fundamental Parental Rights Bill, SB 314 (BDR/Bill sponsored by Senator Mo Denis).  The bill passed both the NV Senate/Assembly and was signed into law by Governor Brian Sandoval.
  • AND
    In 2015 NHN lobbied to protect private, self-funded homeschooling from being used as a vehicle for a “school choice” bill; SB 302, the Education Savings Account – ESA (sponsored by Senator Scott Hammond).  This ground breaking bill, giving parents of public school children more choices in how their child is educated utilizing public funding, was signed into law by Governor Brian Sandoval.

NHN Officers accomplish all of this by donating hundreds of hours every year, which we do willingly. NHN Officers have also self-funded many NHN-related operating expenses such as travel (to testify at critical government and legislative meetings), a post office box, office supplies, etc. However, the personal financial sacrifice of our officers must come to an end. We need others to join in and help with this expense through annual membership dues.

We encourage all homeschool families and advocates of homeschooling to join NHN. The larger our group, the better our legislators listen. We believe that you understand, as we do, how important the work of NHN is in defending and maintaining your right to direct the education of your children.  JOIN WITH US TODAY!

There are two methods to become a member of NHN.

  1. Our Basic Membership gives you access to legislative alerts and information on your homeschool rights posted on our website. This membership is free.
  2. Our Supporting Membership, is a full-benefit membership that gives you all of the above, plus a $20 discount on an HSLDA membership, future discounts as they become available, and the pleasure of knowing that you are contributing to an ongoing effort to maintain your homeschooling freedoms. This membership is only $25/year ($5 after discounts).

Membership dues and donations** can be sent in at any time throughout the year. Memberships are valid for 12 months.

Level Price  
Basic Member


Supporting Member

$25.00 per Year.


**NHN is a 501c4 organization which benefits others through our lobbying efforts. Therefore, membership fees and donations are not tax deductible.