Links – Homeschool Freedom
This is a collection of some useful sites we’ve found through the years regarding homeschooling, research, laws and history of education.
Constitutional Basis for Homeschooling:
Constitutional Right to Homeschool? – Article by Eugene Volokh in REASON explains history of cases upholding homeschool freedom as well as a recent Georgia Court of Appeals Judge decision upholding the Constitutional right to homeschool. 10/23/2018.
Quaqua Society See their Legal Resources section for great articles and court cases
Education in Colonial America (good history)
Education Options in Nevada:
Nevada Parental Choice Options.2019.June – updated chart showing “who’s in charge” of the child’s education dependent on the parent’s choice. 2019
Education Options in NV – “pictograph” showing the differences between “Government Funded School Choice” and “Self Funded Education Options.” 2016 (This chart does not reflect repeal of the NV-ESA law that occurred in 2019. Reference to the “ESA Opt-n Child” are no longer applicable and should be ignored.)
NHN Homeschool MEMO to Parents, Public-Private School Administrators, State Officials – Updated to reflect new Nevada Revised Statutes numbering effective July 1, 2016. This memo is intended to inform parents, public, and private school administrators of the Nevada laws and regulations applicable to homeschool students. August, 2018
Homeschool Conventions:
State Support Group Homeschool Conventions – “Not for profit” annual homeschool conventions sponsored by non-profit state homeschool organizations [501(3)c] serve as the main “fund raising” event to directly benefit homeschoolers in each state. Although NHN an other groups in Nevada have held conferences in years past, attendance levels have not met the costs associated with the event. However, conventions are held in all surrounding states to Nevada and we encourage Nevada homeschoolers to attend one at least once… they are so beneficial to your homeschool efforts.
Great Homeschool Conventions – Regional “for profit” business model conventions also offer homeschool conventions. Four US “regional” conventions held annually; one western convention held in Southern CA.
Homeschool Success Articles:
01/21/2018 – Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century — here are 5 reasons why – Chris Weller, Business Insider
06/23/2014 – Whose Children: Rethinking Schools and Education – Frank Schnorbus – 2014
- Frank’s article was also publish by National Home Education Research Institutute (NHERI) and can found here;
Legal/Advocating Support of Homeschooling:
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) – annual or lifetime membership group that also supports NHN in our work. Benefits of membership in HSLDA – legal protection of your homeschool.
Writing a Letter to Your Legislator – From our friends at Family Protection Ministries in Californial.
Media Presentations on Homeschooling:
THE HOMESCHOOLING IMAGE: Public Relations Basics
Research on Homeschooling:
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)
Resources for Policy Makers and Journalists:
Supporting the Next Generation of Homeschool Parents:
Future Concerns in Defense of Homeschool Freedom:
The Warning:
The Third Wave of Homeschool Persecution – Dr. Michael Farris, HSLDA, 2010.
- Homeschool: Parental Rights to Educational Choice Being Questioned – Several academic journals over the last few years have featured claims by academic elitists “that public education should be mandatory and universal.” Dr. Farris warns of academics calling for government interference in not just the lives of homeschool families but ALL families in the United States.
The On-going Threat:
Law Professor Attacks Parental Rights – Michele Malkin Reports on CRTV; posted with permission on – 2017
“The reason parent-child relationships exist is because the State confers legal parenthood…”
So says James Dwyer, and he’s no bumbling statist hack. Dwyer is a respected law professor at the prestigious College of William and Mary, America’s second-oldest college (after Harvard).
He actually believes your parental rights literally come from the State. And you and I both know that what the State can give, the State can take away.
But with his credentials, Dwyer’s radical ideas will be heard.
“The New Law of the Child” Attacks Parental Rights – posts paper by two law professors arguing against fundamental parental rights – 2018
- “In The New Law of the Child, Dailey and Rosenbury seek to ‘loose[n] the grip of parental rights on American law.’ They seek ‘a more child-centered analysis that elevates children’s broader interests over parents’ individual liberty claims.'” Anne C. Dailey and Laura A. Rosenbury, The New Law of the Child, 127 Yale L.J. F. (2018),
The Response:
The (Not So) New Law of the Child – Martin Guggenheim, The (Not So) New Law of the Child, 127 Yale L.J. F. 942 (2018), Martin Guggenheim is the Fiorello LaGuardia Professor of Clinical Law at New York University School of Law.
Top-Down or from the Ground?: A Practical Perspective on Reforming the Field of Children and the Law – Cheryl Bratt, Top-Down or from the Ground?: A Practical Perspective on Reforming the Field of Children and the Law, 127 Yale L.J. F. 917 (2018),
The Solution:
The Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution – Link to the bi-partisan group, to learn how you can help “Protect Children by Empowering Parents.”