NATIONAL Common Core Standards for Public Schools Gaining Ground – Potential THREAT to Homeschooling!
As you know, NHN has been tracking the development of national COMMON CORE STANDARDS for public schools and their potential effect on homeschool freedom. Common Core Standards (CCS) are tied to the Federal Government’s “Race to the Top” Education Program… follow the money!
Areas of concern to us are expressed by Utahns Against Common Core in an article entitled,
And Then They Came For the Homeschoolers including this information:
“Further recommendations for the P-20 Data System:
• Incorporate teacher preparation attributes (e.g., certification type, school of origin) into the data system.
• Incorporate analysis and business management tools into the system
• Implement greater interactive reporting capabilities to respond to a range of stakeholders.
• Include student groups not now included (e.g., home-schooled) in the data system
• Complete basic policies such as data use/access protocols, data quality standards and governance”
We are particularly concerned about a national tracking system of all students, preschool-college. ANY database intended to track American children from birth is highly UN-American and needs to be understood as a serious threat to parental rights.
Further, the threat is increased if any of 40 states who have already signed on to CCS move to require homeschool parents to provide “equivalent instruction” in Common Core Standards.
More information:
Compulsory state pre-school requirements
Gov. Mitt Romney against CCS
President Barack Obama supports CCS
National Curriculum and testing
NHN will continue to monitor and work with groups opposing efforts to nationalize education standards. We support local control of public schools, as well as freedom from state-mandates for private schools and homeschools.
-NHN Officers