
Nevada Assembly Legislative Building Assembly Education Committee, Room 4114 401 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701 RE: AB221 Dear Chair Woodbury, V-Chair Stewart, Members: Armstrong, Dooling, Edwards, Gardner, Hickey,…

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SB228 Call to Action

CALL TO ACTION SB 228- “Pupil Information Privacy Protection Act” (PIPPA) is scheduled for a hearing this Friday, March 20th at 3:30 p.m. http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Se…/78th2015/Reports/history.cfm… Agenda: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/78th2015/Agendas/Senate/ED/Final/604.pdf NHN is working with…

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Homeschoolers NOT affected by new driver license law

A concerned parent saw this report on the news, http://www.ktvn.com/story/27615412/new-state-law-affects-students-ability-to-get-drivers-license-or-permit and asked if would affect a homeschooled student’s ability to apply for a driver’s license. But not to worry, homeschoolers…

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