Regional Homeschool Organizations

Northern Nevada Home Schools
NNHS is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to supporting and encouraging homeschoolers in Northern Nevada. We offer information packets, monthly newsletter containing articles, field trips, activities, list of support groups, etc., and almost anything else our volunteer members are willing to put the effort into!

County Representative

County Reps are our bridge between the local homeschooling community and the school district office. They are also the voice of the local homeschooling community, back to the NHN Officers. If you would like this position, please let us know!

Homeschool NOI Mailing Address:

Pershing County School District
Attention: Homeschool
PO Box 389
Lovelock, NV 89419

(775) 273-7819
FAX: (775) 273-2668

Please contact NHN with any additional information, or if you would like to be a contact person for this area.