Regional Homeschool Organizations

 Northern Nevada Home Schools (NNHS)
NNHS is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to supporting and encouraging homeschoolers in Northern Nevada. We offer information packets, monthly newsletter containing articles, field trips, activities, list of support groups, etc., and almost anything else our volunteer members are willing to put the effort into!  Contact:

Many rural homeschool groups also listed here:

Support Groups

Battle Mountain Support Group
Juanita Williams
This group is for all homeschoolers and anyone who is interested in homeschooling. We will have monthly meetings, go on field trips, etc. The first meeting will be on May 11th at 2pm at Lyon’s Park in Battle Mountain.

Facebook Groups to connect with:

Northeastern Nevada Homeschool Co-op

Homeschool NOI Mailing Address

Lander County School District
Attention: Homeschool
PO Box 1300
Battle Mountain, NV 89820

(775) 635-2885
(775) 761-5762

Please contact NHN with any additional information, or if you would like to be a contact person for this area.