Regional Homeschool Organizations

 Northern Nevada Home Schools

NNHS is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to supporting and encouraging homeschoolers in Northern Nevada. We offer information packets, monthly newsletter containing articles, field trips, activities, list of support groups, etc., and almost anything else our volunteer members are willing to put the effort into!  Contact:

Many rural homeschool groups listed here:

Support Groups

Fallon Christian Home Educators
Serving Fallon, Fernley, Silver Springs, Dayton, and surrounding areas.
We are a like minded group of Christian parents who have chosen to homeschool our kids for God’s glory. The homeschool philosophies and curriculum choices we use may differ but we are committed to supporting one another in our homeschooling endeavors. This is accomplished through monthly meetings, co-op classes, newsletter/blog, field trips, and public service opportunities.
Contact person: Trina Taylor, 775-423-3572

Homeschoolers Of Latter Days (HOLD-NVwest)
We are an LDS homeschool support group open to all LDS homeschooling families and other homeschoolers who are open to Latter-day Saint beliefs and will uphold LDS standards of living. HOLD-NVwest Supports Reno and surrounding areas.To join our email list go to
Contact: Jody Jarvis


Advisers, mentors, consultants…the name for a veteran homeschooler, or someone else well-versed
in homeschooling, who is willing to spend time with new/interested families.

An advisor is not the teacher. The parent is the teacher, and the advisor aids the parent in beginning their homeschooling journey.

There are compensated and uncompensated advisors….it is important in your search to ask a few pertinent questions, such as:

  • How much homeschooling experience do you have?
  • Do you charge? If so, how much?
  • Are you available throughout the year?
  • What will you provide for me? support group contacts, etc?
  • What is your teaching philosophy? Can you explain different ones to me?

We do not endorse any of the advisers listed. Each individual should determine compatibility with the adviser, based on family needs and expectations.

Below is a list of uncompensated advisers who will spend some time answering questions, helping with paperwork, and giving general homeschooling information.

Jody Jarvis


Homeschool NOI Mailing Address:

Churchill County School District
Attention: Homeschool
545 E. Richards Street
Fallon, NV 89406

Phone (775) 423-5184
Fax (775) 283-2013
Churchill County School District Homeschool Information Page

Please contact NHN with any additional information, or if you would like to be a contact person for this area.