Thinking about homeschooling?
Here are some of our words of wisdom:
Homeschooling is HARD… there we said it. Make no mistake, in Nevada if you file a NOI to Homeschool you are legally taking “full responsibility for the education of your child.” Planning, preparing, and providing an education to your child cannot be taken lightly; you are after all preparing him or her for a successful life outside of your home.
- Homeschooling IS – parents paying for and having direct control of the education of their child – free from government control.
- Homeschooling IS NOT – a school in Nevada you enroll your child in (that would be “public school at home” via a Nevada online charter school).
- Homeschooling IS – a rewarding experience for both parent and child; a path worth taking! Many, many parents have successfully educated their children at home. You can do it too!
Where to start –
Consider the different “education options” available in Nevada.
This chart, Nevada Parental Choice Options, also explains “who” controls the child’s education based on the choice the parent makes.
- NOTE: Nevada ESA and Opt-in child laws REPEALED June, 2019. In Nevada there are once again only three ways to meet the compulsory attendance law; public, private or home school (NRS392.o40, NRS 392.070).
Know and understand the Nevada Homeschool laws.
- It is LEGAL to homeschool in all 50 states. “Homeschooling” in Nevada means “independent, private, self-funded education of a child, directed by the parent.”
- By NV law, homeschooling does not include “public school at home” – virtual charters schools nor any other government funded “home based” program (explained in detail near the end of this page).
- NHN Homeschool MEMO to Parents, Public-Private School Administrators, State Officials 01.11.2019 update –
- Nevada Homeschool Network has created an explanatory document that accurately reflects Nevada’s homeschool law.
- This document can be used by School Districts, private schools, elected officials and the public to answer some common questions regarding homeschooling in Nevada.
- The memo includes a Flow Chart for homeschool students wishing to “participate” in public school classes, activities, and/or sports.
- NOTE: If your child is enrolled in a NV public school prior to homeschooling you MUST officially withdraw your child from the public school.
- Contact the school’s principal to do so.
- You have 10 days after withdrawing your child to submit the NOI to Homeschool to the Superintendent’s office in the school district in which the child lives.
- Parents of 5 and 6 year old children enrolled in a public school MUST file a NOI to Homeschool within 10 days of officially withdrawing from public school (the age 7 requirement does not apply in your situation).
Visit the NHN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) page.
- Answers to all your questions that may come up over the years, K-12 and into college, trade school, or straight to work! We endeavor to keep these questions and answers updated but if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for Contact Us.
- Explains what you need to know about private, self-funded homeschooling with links to facts in the FAQs and other pages on the NHN website.
Be prepared.
- Once you’ve made the decision to homeschool spend a lot of time researching and studying the many books, blogs, and websites available to learn how to begin directing the education of your child (See “HELP – I withdraw my child from public/private school now!” below if you find yourself in an “emergency” situation without much time to prepare to homeschool).
- There are many Facebook groups that can be an encouragement as well. Check out the NHN Facebook Page and find NV Homeschool Facebook Groups through the local Support Groups link.
Consider the various ways to homeschool… there is no one “right way.”
- Below is a discussion of reading materials on “how to homeschool,” audio/videos on homeschooling, learning styles of children, different systems of home education to consider, and links to resources to help you get started. This page is by no means complete as you will see when clicking into different links but a great place to start. So enjoy the exploration.
Already know “how” to homeschool?
Links to take immediate action to begin homeschooling:
- Notice of Intent to Homeschool Form
- Writing the Education Plan
- NV Homeschool Laws
- Quick Start Guide to Become a Legal Homeschool in Nevada.
PLEASE NOTE: NOI’s must be mailed or delivered to the Superintendent of Schools in the School District in which the child resides (district mailing address) — DO NOT mail the form to NHN, we cannot submit it for you.
Yes, I want to homeschool but I have time to prepare, where do I start?
READ, READ, and did we mention READ? There are so many great books available on homeschooling!! Here are some favorites:
- The Unschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith,
- The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell,
- The Teenage Liberation Handbook by Grace Llewellyn (even if you do not yet have a teen!!)
- If you have a teen/pre-teen, find a copy of And What About College by Cafi Cohen.
- 100 Top Picks for Homeschooling Curriculum: Choosing the Right Curriculum and Approach for Your Child’s Learning, by Cathy Duffy
- You Can Teach Your Children Successfully by Ruth Beechick
- For The Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
- Teaching Children , by Diane Lopez (this book is out of print but if you can find a used copy it is a great resource for what children should know in each subject, at each grade level)
- What is the Charlotte Mason Approach? John and Sonya Shafer, Doug and Karen Smith
- What Is Classical Education? by Susan Wise Bauer
- Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of Your Child’s Education by Susan Wise Bauer, 2018
- Choosing and Using Curriculum: Your Guide to Home Education by Joyce Herzog
- Gifted: Raising Children Intentionally by Chris Davis (Elijah Company)
- Teaching My Kids – Vicki Bently (HSLDA online resource with lots of links to explore)
- The High School Handbook by Mary Schofield
Just to name a few! Explore,, and Christian for more “how to” titles. And check out for more titles with reviews.
Articles for inspiration:
Ansel Adams Was Unschooled (How to Solve America’s Creativity Crisis) by Kerry McDonald, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) – 3/22/2018
- Homeschooling: The Best Hope for America’s Future by Lloyd Marcus, American Thinker – 3/20/2018
Watch videos or listen to audio recordings on topics pertaining to homeschooling:
Original Interview on Homeschooling; Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Raymond Moore This audio interview from the early 1980’s is credited as one of the events that launched the homeschool movement. Our friends a CHEA of CA have posted a rebroadcast of the original interview.
Answering the “Socialization” Question by understanding the history of education and why parents, not the government, should direct the education of their child. Life Plus Homeschooling Host: Rebecca Keliher with Israel Wayne, author, speaker. and homeschool dad;
Search the internet…there is much information available there.
- But be sure to “source” the website; you want to be sure you are getting reliable information. If a website doesn’t say “who” they are, what their worldview is, be wary. If in doubt, ask an experienced homeschool parent, co-op/support group/state leader who their favorite authors/bloggers are.
Consider attending a homeschool convention.
- Although NV doesn’t have conventions all surrounding states: Phoenix, AZ; Pasadena, CA; Sacramento, CA; Portland, OR; Boise, ID; and Salt Lake City, UT all have annual conventions. These conferences can be a great introduction to the world of homeschooling!
Take the time to figure out your child’s “learning style.”
- This is a benefit that homeschooling offers us…to tailor our children’s education to fit THEM!
- There are 3 primary styles of learning: Visual Learners (seeing), Auditory Learners (hearing), and Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners (doing) University of Minnesota: Learning Styles.
- A great book on learning styles is called In Their Own Way by Thomas Armstrong …read anything by him!
- Also check out books by Cynthia Tobias.
- Even Pinterest is getting in on the act,
Understand that there are many different styles of homeschooling.
- There is NO right or wrong way to go about it. It is about what is RIGHT FOR YOUR CHILD and you! Here are some “terms” to become familiar with:
- Deschooling- a period of time after a child has been in public school to get out of the mode of ‘school’ . You may find that if you try to go right into homeschooling you will have a battle on your hands.. so if you take time to have some fun, go to museums, out to lunch etc.. things you could NOT do during ‘school’ before.. it might help. The loose rule of thumb is…for every year spent in schools, they will need a month to readjust…to relearn that learning can be fun!!! To love it again.
- Curriculum based homeschooling: traditional textbook- it is just as it sounds, you buy a prepackaged curriculum that comes with all the “bells and whistles” (A Beka, Alpha Omega, or a secular publisher are examples). There is such a wide variety to pick from. Cathy Duffy reviews different curriculum packages, HSLDA has links to oodles of curriculum packages and/or schools, or Google “Full Curriculum Packages”. Basically, the decision for what to teach at each grade level are predetermined by the publisher/provider you choose.
- Eclectic homeschooling: curriculum matched to child’s needs- An eclectic curriculum is where you pick and choose resources, books, and/or textbooks, etc. for each subject to be taught using resources from different curriculum publishers/providers. Classical education, Charlotte Mason Approach, or a history based education program are just a few of the formats used by parents in this style (see video at the end of this section for more information). So rather than purchasing your entire curriculum (prepackaged) from the same publisher, such as A Beka, or provider you build your own curriculum from a variety of publishers/resources. For example: A 1st grade English curriculum might use Hooked on Phonics , Pathway Readers , Spelling Power , and Writing Strands, all from different publishers. Similarly, you could choose Making Math Meaningful, Math-U-See, or Saxon Math for your 1st grade Math Curriculum based on how your child learns. And then read aloud the Little House in the Big Woods series by Laura Ingals Wilder for your Social Studies: History, Geography, Economics, and Government curriculum, all in one set of books! You are still using books and workbooks but from different sources that meet your child’s interests and needs. Rainbow Resource Center, Timberdoodle, and Sonlight have been long-time curriculum providers to homeschoolers choosing to use an eclectic education program. However, there are many more! Google “homeschool curriculum.”
- Unit Studies: learn by doing- Unit studies is like.. your child loves horses so you do a Unit Study that includes reading, language arts, math, and science. You do your math with horses, (age appropriate… like counting them, percentage of white and brown, etc) your history of horses, biology of horses, etc. You study one thing that encompasses several subjects. Many people use this when they have many different levels in the household…it is easy to provide for all grade levels. Also, it works well with special needs children because you can focus on what they want to learn about. Konos and Weaver are two well known unit study sites or Google “unit studies for homeschool.”
- Unschooling: learn by living- Watch “Learn Free” – a short documentary on You Tube. Child led learning; Natural learning; Delight-led learning; Spirit-led learning. The child is given back his own education. Learning is happening all the time. The parent is always on the lookout for that “teachable moment.” It is a lot easier to do than it sounds. If the child wants to learn about the Civil War, that is what they study etc. We use whatever resources work! Here’s a hint: Unschooling is what you have done since birth. It is the way you helped them walk, and talk, and learn the alphabet. Find some unschoolers to talk to. It is very interesting!
- NO Common Core State Standards please – Many parents choose to homeschool to avoid “Common Core” now adopted in most states for public schools (Nevada in 2011). CCSS is equivalent to “national standards” and a threat to local control of public education. Nevada homeschool parents are NOT required to meet NV State Education Standards (Common Core or otherwise). View HSLDA’s “Common Core Issues” page for more info. To see whether or not your curriculum or textbook choices have “aligned with common core” (many have not!) check out The Homeschool Resource Roadmap. Also refer to for “pre-CCSS” or a: “classic” course of study.
- More Information:
Homeschool Freedom shared this description of different Teaching Methods employed by homeschool families.
- A recently produced YouTube video breaks things down a little differently but may be helpful in understanding your choices: Five Flavors of Homeschooling
What about High School?
- We generally find that parents are pretty confident in homeschooling their children K-8, especially with encouragement from other homeschoolers in support groups and co-ops. But many fear the “high school diploma” issue and often resort to enrolling their child in a public high school… this may be good or bad depending on the child.
- To help parents overcome their anxiety we’ve created a Guide to Homeschooling High School in Nevada. There are so many options now available to students in Nevada that most families aren’t aware of.
- CAUTION! If you homeschool 9th grade or later and then wish to enroll your child in a NV public school, school districts will NOT accept credits earned for high school unless they are earned through an “accredited” homeschool program. For more information please see Question 6A in the NHN FAQS and the Flow Chart we link to there.
- If you decide to homeschool for the first time when your child enters 9th grade or later HSLDA has provided this helpful resource, Homeschooling for the First Time in High School.
- If you need more help, Contact Us, and one of the NHN Officers will help guide you in learning your options.
Utilize a good Record Keeping system to demonstrate the education provided to the child and their academic progress.
- The beauty of homeschooling is that you can address your child’s individual educational needs while not being “beholding” to someone else’s standards (including the government’s).
- However, just as most of us recorded every “first” of our child’s life when they were born (and sometimes before 🙂 ), so too should we record the academic milestones the achieve.
- Record keeping will differ family to family but please don’t ignore it, you never know when you may need your records for a reason you can’t anticipate now.
- The NV Homeschool Law in NRS 388D.050 clearly authorizes the parent to determine the education provided (in English language arts, math, science, and social studies) “as appropriate for the age and skill level of the child as determined by the parent.” Further, the law does not require that these subjects be taught every year the child is homeschooled.
- NHN encourages parents to maintain their own educational records documenting provision of an appropriate education to ensure the child will become a self-sustaining good citizen.
- More information on this can be found in Section 4, Questions A and H in the NHN “Frequently Asked Questions” tab.
HELP – I need to withdraw my child from public or private school now!
- If you find yourself looking into homeschooling mid-school year or during the summer due to your child struggling in his/her current school situation;
- Consider using a “pre-packaged” curriculum or private online school for the first year while you learn more about parent-directed homeschooling.
- But for those wanting to jump right in, the “eclectic” method may be a better fit (See #6 above for a detailed description of homeschool styles).
- Understand that enrolling your child in a NV public school at home (online charter school) is NOT homeschooling – see discussion in next section.
- Parents often already have a good idea where their children are academically but need a good reference list of academic goals for each grade level. These can be helpful in writing your Educational Plan for the NOI and developing their child’s academic goals. We have found the following resources to be helpful in this task:
- Typical Course of Study from World Book (not common core aligned) of what children should learn in each grade to be VERY helpful in deciding where you need to begin your child’s homeschool experience. Using this course of study as a guide you can pick and choose your own materials based on your child’s needs and write your Education Plan for your one-time NOI.
- Learning Objectives for K-8th from Hewitt Homeschooling is another excellent and trusted resource.
- Rainbow Resource Center,, Timberdoodle, and Sonlight offer a wide variety of homeschooling materials to choose from.
- For those not ready to “choose their own,” we recommend parents contact Alpha Omega and discuss the many options available for homeschooling (they also offer placement testing if you’re not sure where your student is academically). HSLDA also lists many other pre-packaged/online options, click here for K-8, or click here for high school.
- If you have a special needs child with an IEP in the public school, a new national special education organization SPED Homeschool can be of help as you move to directing your child’s education yourself. Also check out our Special Education Homeschooling page. We believe Mama Bears to be the BEST educators for their children, including those with special needs, but having others to support you is very important.
- If you use an online private school, you file the NOI to Homeschool and simply submit the verification of your child’s enrollment in that school or a “scope & sequence” if purchasing a pre-packaged curriculum for that school year as your “education plan” submitted with the NOI.
- NOTE: If your child is enrolled in a NV public school (including a charter school) prior to homeschooling you MUST officially withdraw your child from the public school. Contact the school’s principal to do so. You have 10 days after withdrawing your child to submit the NOI to Homeschool to the Superintendent.
Online charter schools or other other government funded “home based” options are not homeschooling but may be a suitable option for some:
–What you need to know:
a.) Online (or virtual) charter schools in Nevada are public schools and the child is a “public school student at home” not a homeschool child.
- The parent does NOT direct nor control of the education provided to the child but rather serves as a non-paid teacher’s aide supervising the daily activities of the child.
- In this scenario, the child is not being homeschooled and you DO NOT file an NOI to Homeschool, instead you “enroll” the child in the charter school.
- All students attending a NV virtual charter school must be a Nevada resident living in the state during the school year.
- Due to state funding issues the charter school monitors the student’s location by the IP address used to access classes for each student enrolled.
- Parents wishing to use a virtual charter school at the same time the student participates in extra-curricular activities, sports, or other events outside of this state should check the charter school’s attendance/truancy policy.
- Discussions on these charter school education options:
- If you’d still like to consider using a Nevada Charter (public) School the contact the staff at the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA) for more information.
b.) Education Savings Account (ESA) Opt-in Child* allows the parent to provide a “home based education” utilizing state funding, but again this is not the same as homeschooling since there are different legal requirements.
NOTE: THIS PROGRAM WAS REPEALED by the 2019 NV Legislature and will be stricken from Nevada Revised Statutes – it is no longer an education option in Nevada.
- What the 2015 ESA program looked like:
- The 2015 ESA Bill that created the program would do the following (however, if the Legislature ever decides to fund the program we predict it WILL be drastically changed adding more controls). Since the laws governing the program have been repealed a new bill in a future legislative session would need to be introduced and passed.
- The ESA parent, acting as an appproved “Participating Entity”, must comply with requirements set by the NV State Treasurer such as testing the child annually, submitting the results to the Department of Education, applying annually for the program, use “approved” curriculum and materials, with possible auditing of the account, etc., etc., etc..
- In comparison, homeschooling requires a simple one-time notification, not an application, and is “self-funded” by the parent. This allows the MOST freedom in directing the education of the child without government oversight/controls.
- For more information on why the ESA Child would not be a Homeschool Child:
- Homeschooling vs. State ESA Grants
- Kleenex vs. Puffs; Homeschool vs. ESA Program
- Education Savings Account (ESA) – An Overview.
- 6/15/17 – The 2017 Legislature did not approve a bill to fund the ESA program. At this time the program is non-operational though it could be considered again in the 2019 NV Legislative Session. If the program ever is funded it is unlikely to remain as described above, and will probably have many more restrictions (there are always “strings attached” to government funding). For example, this year Democrats proposed major changes to the ESA in a surprise compromise amendment , that would impact religious liberty issues for private schools, which some Republicans were willing to concede to (not good!). But in the end, the Democrats, who controlled the 2017 Senate and Assembly, refused to fund the ESA and, contrary to his promise at the beginning of the session, Governor Sandoval did not insist upon funding the program.
c.) NHN charts explaining education options available in Nevada: Nevada Parental Choice Options.2019.June and a pictorial chart, Education Options in NV.
d.) NHN video also explains the different Nevada education options. (This video has not been updated to reflect the repealed ESA program – see above.)
d.) The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) also has a good position statement on Charter Schools.
Now that you’re homeschooling: LOVE your kids 🙂 Hug them, learn with them, and have fun! NHN Officers are here to help, check out our Contact Page for assistance.
Here are some additional helpful links:
NHN – Homeschool Resources & Catalogs
HSLDA – Teaching My Kids and HSLDA Membership for Homeschool Legal Protection
Beginning Homeschooling: Articles to encourage and equip homeschoolers, a service of the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership
Eclectic Homeschool Online
School Is Dead; Learn in Freedom! Great site, offers a list of colleges that accept homeschoolers.
NHERI National Home Education Research Institute
Course of Study for writing your Education Plan: ‘s Typical Course of Study curriculum overview by grade.
Learning Objectives Grades K-8th by Hewitt Homeschooling a trusted resource for decades!
List of Homeschool Conventions sponsored by State Homeschool Organizations
HOME SCHOOLED: How American Homeschoolers Measure Up – poster depicting the history of homeschooling nationwide and how we’ve done.
For information regarding standardized testing (not required in Nevada) please see our Frequently Asked Questions page; Section 4, Question G.
Videos on why Homeschooling can be so much better than a public school:
Indoctrination; the movie; Trailer – Indoctrination in the Public Schools; The Call to Dunkirk
Class Dismissed