Dear Nevadans

Dear Nevadans,

SB314, the law that would put in writing that the parental right to raise your child is a fundamental right, has cleared two major hurdles in less than a week! The bill was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, and now the bill is getting a work session by the same Committee. Many bills die in the legislature when they get a hearing but never move beyond that. Tomorrow, April 12th, is the last day for bills to be out of Committee.

The work session is where the Judiciary Committee will discuss the bill amongst themselves and decide to move the bill to the Full Senate, or to vote it down. They don’t (usually) take public testimony during a work session, but it can be informative and interesting to attend the hearing anyway, because this is where you hear what the Senators think now that they’ve heard all the testimony, heard your phone calls and seen your emails.

At this point does it do any good to email or call your Senator? It might! Emails may be more effective because each Legislator carries his/her own laptop everywhere. If you write, please be brief (just a few lines is more effective than pages), and be courteous!

Senator Tick Segerblom, Chair 775-684-1422
Senator Ruben Kihuen, Vice-Chair 775-684-1427
Senator Aaron Ford 775-684-6502
Senator Justin Jones 775-684-1421
Senator Greg Brower 775-684-1419
Senator Scott Hammond 775-684-1442
Senator Mark Hutchinson 775-684-1475

The Committee starts at 8AM! There are several other bills, so we don’t know exactly when SB314 will be addressed.

If you haven’t already, you can vote FOR SB314 at the Nevada Legislative opinion page Register your opinion!

Also, if you have time and haven’t done so already, drop Senator Mo Denis an email to thank him for sponsoring SB314!

For more information, I suggest downloading the Parental Rights Pamphlet, and Scott Woodruff’s Testimony, both available on the Legislative NELIS website at

Frank Schnorbus Liaison


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